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Best practices for bathing a puppy

August 8, 2019

A new puppy is going to find ways to get messy. One of your responsibilities as a new puppy parent will be bathing your new baby. Here are some best practices that you can use during bath time.

Proper timing

When doing any type of at home dog grooming, it is always a good idea to do it when your dog is a little tired and worn out. After some exercise is a good time, as your pup has worked off some of his energy and may be more interested in cooling off in a bath.

Pre poo Brushing

Brushing your dog before bathing helps remove any loose hair and loosen any hair that’s also ready to shed. This will reduce the amount of hair that come off in the bath. Brushing your dog is an especially important first step to take if you have a long-haired dog whose coat tangles easily.

Wet Down Your Dog With Warm Water

Place your dog in the bath or tub, on top of a non-slip mat to eliminate slipping. A mat will also give nervous dogs more confidence by giving them sure footing. You can use a towel if you don’t have a mat. To keep yourself from getting wet, you might also want to drape another towel over yourself.

Shampoo And Condition

There are a wide variety of shampoos and conditioners on the market. The products you choose should depend on your dog’s coat and any skin issues they may suffer from. For instance, dogs with dry skin might need a shampoo with added oils that promote skin and coat health.

Rinse Thoroughly

Rinsing your dog thoroughly is one of the most important steps of the process. When you’re first learning how to give a dog a bath you’ll probably underestimate just how much rinsing they will need.

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