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5 Large Dog Breeds

May 30, 2018

Large and In Charge   

Whether they’re muscular and stocky, or long haired and large, we’ve got them covered. Take a look at this list of large dog breeds found across the world and some located at a Petland location near you!  

Bernadoodle (or Bernedoodle) 

They are big. They are goofy and they are here! Considered one of the gentlest of the large dog breeds, the Bernadoodle is a mix of the Bernese Mountain Dog and Poodle. This relatively new mixed breed was bred to be the most perfect and loving companion to families with kids and active owners. They can grow to be as large as 100 pounds and live between 12 to 18 years. Talk about a long-lasting love!  


Nicknamed “Nature’s Nannies,” the Newfoundland is excellent with kids and most suitable to live in large open spaces. These jolly giants are lovable fur balls who will lovingly keep watch and protect you and your family. They’ve been documented to grow as large as a whopping 200 pounds!  

Great Dane 

You can’t possibly think of large dog breeds without immediately envisioning the Great Dane, because they’re most notable for the size! They reach heights well over 30 inches tall. The famous Great Dane named Zeus held a record standing at 44 inches. He lived to be 5 years old, just shy of their typical lifespan of 6 to 8 years. 


Famously associated with firehouses and popularized by Disney’s 101 Dalmatians movie, these pups have a long history going back several hundred years. They are athletic and well-built. Like many large dog breeds, they’re giant goofballs! They typically weigh between 48 to 55 pounds and live relatively long, especially for their size, ranging from 13 to 16 years! 


Gosh, the Goldendoodle is one of the most popular of large dog breeds! The gentle giant weighs between 50 to 90 pounds and he will never know it. Goldendoodles are so affectionate, they seem to think they’re small lap dogs. These overly friendly pups will make your lap home if you let them, for their lifespan of 10 to 15 years. 


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